The Untold Legend of Soul Santa


For centuries, there have been many stories told during the holiday season. However, there are none more intriguing than the origin story of Jamal Jenkins...the Soul Santa.


Jamal Jenkins was the eldest son of Earl and Freda Jenkins. The Jenkins' family lived on the Southside of the North Pole. The elves on the Southside were tall in statue compared to other elves. Most were dark skinned, very well educated and mastered various forms of ancient magic.


Jamal’s father Earl was the greatest carpenter and mechanical engineer in the world. His mother Freda was well known throughout the land as a master designer and seamstress. Freda’s works were all originals and very beautiful. She even designed Chris Cringle’s famous red Santa suit.



The Jenkins’ owned and operated the most extraordinary toy factory directly across from Santa’s Workshop. The Jenkins Toy Factory was a major supplier of ethnic toys and unique gifts. Chris Cringle was one of the Jenkins' most famous and largest customer. He was also an old friend of Jamal and his family.



One day, while dropping off an order of toys, Jamal ran into Chris Cringle at his workshop. They were happy to see one another. They talked seemingly, for hours. As Jamal began to leave, Chris Cringle thanked him for coming by with the toys, then smiled and waved good bye.



On his way home, Jamal became sadden by some of the information he and Chris Cringle had discussed. It seemed that Chris Cringle (Santa Clause) only delivered toys and gifts to children that had chimneys. What of the children he wondered.... all those children who lived in neighborhoods and homes without chimneys? Who would bring them toys for Christmas? 



Jamal spoke with his mother and father about the situation. They agreed that something had to be done for all those poor children that would not get toys on Christmas. As if struck by lightning, Jamal quickly conceived a plan to ensure that every child would have a special gift on Christmas morning.


The next day, Jamal decided to put his plan into action. He packed a few things, said good-bye to his parents and began his long journey. Jamal knew that if he was going to deliver toys to children world-wide, within 24 hours, he was going to need help.... magical help!!!


He decided to visited his brother Lemar, who lived in the West-End Province. Lemar actually bred and sold Chris Cringle his fleet of magic flying reindeer.



Lemar was a master in genetics and all forms of magic. He was famed for creating some of the strangest, rarest animals on Earth. Jamal explained the problem to his brother. After listening intently, Lemar told Jamal that he actually had just what he needed. Something FastSomething Strongand Something That Could Fly


Lemar presented Jamal with three Magically Winged Stallions. Their names were Golden, Cimmion and Sabastan. They were beautiful, very powerful and could fly extremely fast. Magically fast!!! Most importantly, the stallions were friends with Donner and Blitsen and knew Santa's route They also knew where Santa didn't go.



Lemar thought Jamal's effort was generous and wanted to do his part. So, he gave Jamal the stallions and a magic sleigh. Jamal thought the stallions and the sleigh were awesome!!! He knew he get the job done now. Jamal thanked his brother and headed home.



After a dangerous month long jounrney home, Jamal returned earily Christmas Eve. Once inside, Jamal excitedly told his parents about what Lemar had done for him.  His mother and father smiled and said that they had a suprise for him too. His father had their employees create so many toys that it was impossible to count them. Dolls and wagons, toy soldiers and dragons.


His mother Freda designed and created a magic bag that could expand and hold the massive pile of toys. The Jenkins had their employees put the bag in the back of the sleigh and they began to pack the toys into it. 




When Jamal saw that the sleigh was full, he hooked the stallions up and was ready to ride. He hugged his father and thanked him for his support. "I love you dad", he said. "I love you too Jamal. I'm proud of you son", his father said. As Jamal turned to his mother, she turned her back quickly and turned back toward Jamal to present him with a beautiful red suit with white fur around the collar and sleeves.


With tears in her eyes she said, "I know what you're doing is purely from your heart. Be safe out there Jamal. Now go." Jamal put on the red suit, hopped into the sleigh and yelled...."Golden, Cimmion and Sebastan, into the night...take flight". And they were off.


This was the first flight and night that Soul Santa dropped off toys and presents to children around the world. Now, centuries later, Soul Santa is still on his mission to bring joy and laughter during the Chrismas Holiday to both children and adults alike.


Though his existence and story are unknown to most (usually because Santa Clause gets most of the credit), Soul Santa is still about his business in community year around. 


There is so much more that could be told about Jamal Jenkins and the horrors he faced on his journey home from Lemar's, but we will hold that tale for another time. Until then...Merry Christmas!!!