A Message To Parents From Soul Santa





Soul Santa surely understands that some children may end up on the "naughty list", but don't worry. Soul Santa has a special program for children 9-16 years of age.


From time to time our children's behavior can get a little out of hand. Behaviors like fighting siblings and other students at school, constant suspensions and low grades can cause immediate problems, as well as create future issues if they continue without professional attention. Soul Santa has friends that can help. 



Soul Santa has programs that your child would love and you would appreciate. Once you register, Soul Santa's friends will contact you to make an appointment for making an assessment.


Once approved, Soul Santa's Helpers will look in and check on your child at school and home to ensure that your child stays on track and well behaved. The supporting programs  are designed stablize your child at home and school. The Children Of Light teaches children manners, respect and responsible decision making.


Please complete the form below to get started



How can Soul Santa help
Your Name
Where Do You Live
What Is Your Phone Number
What Is The Best Time To Reach You
Child 's Name (If registering for program)
Child's Age (If registering for program)
Where Does Your Child Attend School
Does your child have a mental health diagnoses
If yes, please describe