Chr/Pres./ Exec. Dir. CHILDREN OF LIGHT FOUNDATION-Sr. Elder CHILDREN OF LIGHT MINISTRIES. Press picture for Heroes Amoung Us episode featuring Rev. Callis


The CHILDREN OF LIGHT (COL) was founded by Rev. Garry M. Callis, Sr., in 1998, at the Fairfield Boys' & Girls' Club, in Richmond, Virginia, to directly address the specific needs and issues of inner-city, at-risk, youth and the "system" that supports them. The COL is dedicated to the positive advancement of todays' youth, their families and the community-at-large, by facilitating and providing access to:
  • relevant life skills training programs for youth and young adults,
  • literacy programs
  • entreprenurial concepts and training
  • viable job readiness training programs
  • career development programs and services
  • financial skills literacy and wealth building programs and services
  • a myriad of wrap-around services and resources (for the homeless, re-entry, mental health, those needing food, students and their families),
  • nutrition and wellness programs
  • RPS officials and administrators
  • local business owners and service providers
  • local, state and regional agencies and representatives
  • a "Game Charger" that will bring our people together


Rev. Callis with Dr. Tracy Epp, Chief Academic Officer,  Richmond Public Schools (cir. 2018)

in a holistic approach, to assist those disenfranchised by:

  • poverty
  • an educational system that does not translate to employment leading to
  • a lack of employment opportunities and an
  • unfair social system 


that impedes their progress, on the road to success, prosperity, self- sufficiency and independence. 


Children Of Light members with City Councilman Rev. Michael Jones and Capt. Sidney Collier (Richmond Police Dept cir. 2018))


Our founder believes that the greatest resource of any nation, community or movement lies within its people. The Children Of Light's network is multi-faceted and functions, effectively, within the community, assisting the village raise its children, while stabilizing their parents and helping to educate, invigorate and motivate its young adults with vital training programs.


Children Of Light members with Sherri Hall Co-Owner Garfields Restaurant


The COL also has initiatives that promote local businesses and ingnites an entrepreneurial spirit within the community through our interconnected community-based organizations such as:


Children Of Light members with Jason Kamras (Superintendant, Richmond Public Schools cir. 2018)


The Children Of Light, as an organization is innovative, highly creative and serves as the nexus between the community and the resources and opportunities it desperately needs and deserves.